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Ricky Gervais and Chris Packham lead signatures on a Open Letter to Prof. Colin Blakemore

Ricky Gervais and Chris Packham join our Patron, Peter Egan, in signing an Open Letter with Dr. Jane Goodall DBE, Lesley Nicol, Jane Fallon, Rumer, Jill Robinson MBE, and Rick Wakeman. The letter will remain live at FLOE, to enable additional public figures to sign it.

The letter is addressed to the UK’s leading proponent of animal experiments, Prof. Colin Blakemore, calling for him to agree to debate his views in a rigorous public science hearing, overseen by independent experts from the relevant fields of science. These experts will judge claims, that results from animal experiments can predict the responses of human patients, in medical research and testing.

The Open Letter has been shared by K9 Magazine today, here is their tweet

In the tweet above, Ricky Gervais mentions a film of Prof. Blakemore, narrating his light deprivation experiments on kittens, for that film please visit this link.

For FLOE’s statement in full, with additional Resources and quotes by Ricky Gervais, Peter Egan and Chris Packham, please visit this link .