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NEW from NIH: new human medicines have a failure rate in excess of 95% after animal tests

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has published an article with a new statistic which states:

‘Several thousand diseases affect humans of which only about 500 have any treatment. Thanks to our growing understanding of human biology, along with the increased availability of innovative technologies, there is an unprecedented opportunity to translate scientific discoveries more efficiently into new, more effective and safer health interventions.

Currently, a novel intervention can take about 14 years and $2 billion to develop, with a failure rate exceeding 95 percent’. 

No other human endeavour allows such disastrous results. This failure rate happens after tests on two species of animal: a rodent and then a Beagle dog. For the full response from Patients Campaigning for Cures, please visit this link.

If you haven’t done so already please ask your MP to sign EDM 400, which calls for a thorough science debate hearing to stop this selfish vested interest – and help the wider scientific community change an out dated 70 year old law, which still requires animal testing, despite its now proven failure.