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EFMA defeated a primate lab at Cambridge University – read about this track record of success

EFMA is the European branch of AFMA – Americans for Medical Advancement – and both organisations illustrate the scientific case for FLOE. In December 2002 EFMA acted as chief scientific witness for an historic animal protection coalition in the UK, entitled The Cambridge Inquiry, formed to oppose a planning application by Cambridge University to build a new non-human primate lab. Coalition members included Animal Aid, NAVS, IPPL, Uncaged, Dr Hadwen Trust and the BUAV. EFMA are a purely scientific Board and as such do not take a professional, ethical position about the suffering of laboratory animals.

Cambridge University wanted to build their non-human primate lab on Green Belt land and therefore had to prove that its primate experiments were going to be ‘medically and scientifically in the national interest’. EFMA’s five hour oral testimony and written Proof of Evidence produced a precedent ruling on ‘medical and scientific, national interest grounds’ defeating Cambridge University’s plans to build the laboratory, whose primate experiments falsely claimed able to ‘save people’s lives’. The government inspector ruled: On the basis of the technical input, therefore, I could not conclude that need in the national interest is demonstrated insofar as this pertains to the scientific/medical research and procedures undertaken by the University

This landmark decision concluded what proved to be one of the most high profile planning applications in Britain, and created a valuable precedent ruling for the new Patients Campaigning For CuresThe government inspector’s decision to refuse the primate laboratory supported up-to-date scientific understanding which demonstrates the alarming harm caused by trying to apply results of animal experiments to human patients. Animal experiments are not capable of predicting human responses and Trans-Species Modeling Theory is now able to explain exactly how and why that is the case. Read more in the peer reviewed paper The Nuremberg Code subverts human health and safety by requiring animal modeling

TAKE ACTION NOW! Animal experiments are finally being acknowledged as a human rights issue too, by Parliamentary EDM 66 which has been tabled by Kelvin Hopkins MP. Please click on the image below to ask your MP to sign the EDM, which calls for a senior activist from the vivisection community to agree to a thorough, public scientific debate hearing with the foremost medical Board, AFMA/EFMA, led by Dr Ray Greek, and overseen by independent judges from relevant fields of scientific expertise.