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Daily Archives: August 9, 2014

Ray Greek MD and Mark Rice MD’s article cited in the journal ‘Annals of Intensive Care’

Ray Greek MD and Mark Rice MD’s article Animal Models and Conserved Processes (Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 9/1/40)  has been cited in a paper published by Bara and Joffe: The methodological quality of animal research in critical care: the public … Continue reading

Greek MD and Rice MD’s article cited in article in the jounrnal Annals of Intensive Care

The article Animal Models and Conserved processes was cited in http://www.annalsofintensivecare.com/content/4/1/26 These, and other similar findings, suggest that a systems biology approach to the nonlinear complex chaotic dynamics of mammalian organisms in which responses are extremely sensitive to initial conditions … Continue reading

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